January 2022:
Study with Babette Bühler and Andreas P. Weiland on sequence (dis)similarity in administrative and survey life course data accepted for publication in Quality & Quantity.
October 2021:
Finally out in European Sociological Review: "Couples’ life courses and women’s income in later life – a multichannel sequence analysis of linked lives in Germany" with Andreas P. Weiland. Read the full article here
or check out the Thread here.
October 2021:
New Mannheim Corona Study Papers published in Social Science & Medicine (Jutta Mata et al.) and in Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A (Carina Cornesse et al.).
September 2021:
Forthcoming in European Sociological Review: "Couples’ life courses and women’s income in later life – a multichannel sequence analysis of linked lives in Germany" with Andreas P. Weiland.
August 2021:
My daughter is born :)
June 2021:
New preprint on SocArXiv with Céline Teney: Who supports affirmative action policies for women and immigrants in recruitment processes? An international survey experiment.
April 2021:
Special Issue of Social Policy & Administration Inequalities in pension and retirement: Life‐courses and pension systems in comparative perspective edited by Kati Kuitto, Susan Kuivalainen, and me is now online published open access, including my article The consequences of non‐standard working and marital biographies for old age income in Europe: Contrasting the individual and the household perspective.
March 2021:
Article Chipping In or Crowding-Out? The Impact of Pension Receipt on Older Adults’ Intergenerational Support and Subjective Well-Being in Rural China with Pei-Chun Ko now published in Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology.
March 2021:
Is the Recession a ‘Shecession’? Gender Inequality in the Employment Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Germany with Maximiliane Reifenscheid and Andreas Weiland, based on the Mannheim Corona Study published in SocArXiv.
February 2021:
I am now member of the editorial board of Work, Aging and Retirement.
February 2021:
I uploaded my 2012 Working Paper The fixed effects approach as an alternative to multilevel analysis for cross-national analyses, which I wrote as PhD student in the Research Training Group SOCLIFE at University of Cologne, to SocArXiv, as the SOCLIFE Working Paper Series is no longer avaiable. The paper is intended to provide guidance at a beginner's level to those doing multilevel analyses with cross-national survey data. Writing it down also helped me to bring together the two "worlds" of panel data analysis -which I knew from my previous SOEP analyses- and multilevel analysis -which I learned at SOCLIFE.
January 2021:
What happens to employment trajectories during the COVID-19 lockdown? Preprint Inequality in employment trajectories and their socio-economic consequences during the early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany based on the Mannheim Corona Study published in SocArXiv.
January 2021:
Call for the ESPAnet 2021 Stream 12
"Preparing pension systems for the future - employment, retirement and wellbeing in later life" hosted by Aart-Jan Riekhoff and me is now open. Apply until 18 April 2021!
October 2020:
Article The COVID-19 pandemic and subjective well-being: longitudinal evidence on satisfaction with work and family on changes in work and family satisfaction during the first lockdown in Germany now online in European Societies.
July 2020:
I was interviewed for ARD Morgenmagazin on working from home during the COVID-19 lockdown .
June 2020:
New Corona-study report in cooperation with ZEW published on the risk of unemployment: Employees who were already in precarious employment before the Corona pandemic are particularly affected. Covered in Spiegel Online.
April 2020:
The Corona-study report on employment was updated and shows inequality in working situation and possibility during lockdown.
April 2020:
First report on employment and child care during lockdown based on the Mannheim Corona Study.
March 2020:
The Mannheim Corona Study has been launched on March 20 with weekly surveys of the German population during lockdown.
November 2019:
Do Europeans support a Genderquota for company boards? Findings of the first comparative study with Celine Teney point to a backlash: the higher gender equality in a country, the lower support for a quota. OpenAccess in Comparative European Politics
October 2019:
New article in Journal of Family Issues with Ulrike Ehrlich and Sonja Drobnič. With SOEP data we examine the impact of family care on women’s chances to (re-)enter employment.
February 2019: The paper "A life course perspective on working after retirement: What role does the work history play?" by Ellen Dingemans and me is published online in Advances in Life Course Research.